The Northwest Section has conducted this year’s event in the picturesque hills behind Devonport. The first day ran through Railton with the “tunnel of death” the highlight, as we passed under the Bass Highway at Sassafras heading in a circle towards Wesley Vale, back to the Devonport accommodation. Peas, Pies, Potatoes and Pavlova’s created a unique tea for the entrants.
Day two started in good weather as we wound our way toward the hills around Sheffield to view a unique radio collection, From here it was keeping up with the Max’s A40 as we paced our way to Steamfest, where there is an abundance of food and displays to view. The return journey to Devonport was a challenge in slightly damp conditions for those in open cars, but the sun came out to dry out any vehicles that had received an internal wash.
Day 3 was another trip back into the hills with some challenging hills for all entrants as we wound our way through what appeared to be the food bowl of the North West. Neatly ploughed farms and growing crops made for a beautiful drive in the country and the views on return were stunning.
Winners in the Judging category ranged from Peters Alfa, to Scott’s Ford T, and Frank’s Riley.
Congratulations to Michelle and team on a very good tour.
1915 Ford T Roadster
1920 Peugeot Tourer
1928 Ford A Roadster
Entrants on field
1934 Ford V8 Sedan
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Veteran Car Club of Australia (Tasmania )Inc